We’d like to wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving and a happy holiday season throughout the weeks to come.
Please remember that enjoying this season is recognizing that alcohol abuse is usually a way to avoid having an actual life. It means being a spectator of our lives, not participants.
As a former client noted when he dropped by to visit, “I was just killing time waiting to die.”
It’s always tempting to medicate our way through life, but, really, we’ll all be gone soon enough.
Why not take a chance on life?
Consider the following video:
Dream Riders – based on a true story
Then you might want to give us a call and set about reclaiming your life!
Why does everyone want you to “admit” that you are an “alcoholic”?
There are several reasons why spouses, family, and others, especially treatment providers, want you to admit that you are an alcoholic. None of the reasons are in your best interest, but here goes:
First, it’s part of the AA/12 Step mythology that assumes you are “in denial” and need to admit to your diseased powerlessness. Really? We have yet to meet a client who didn’t know they were in trouble with their alcohol abuse.
Second, traditional treatment providers know that the number one predictor of relapse is a belief in powerlessness. Since they have a vested interest in you failing and appearing once again at the revolving door of their treatment mill, they push exactly what hurts your chances, not what helps!
Third, your spouse is pissed and wants you punished. What better way than giving you a demeaning life-long label?
Fourth, with your drinking, you have lost your vote in family decision making and no one wants you getting your vote back, at least not for a long time.
Fifth, since it’s all your fault because you are an “alcoholic”, no one else needs to change or clean up their part of the act. True, you do need to change, but then they need to, too.
Most spouses want to avoid that part – which is why we include them whenever possible, and why failure oriented 12 Step programs exclude them.
We could go on but we imagine you’ve gotten the point. It’s why we recommend that clients erase the words alcoholic and relapse from their vocabularies – unless you really do want to keep on drinking. But if that was the case, you’d be headed off to AA, not to see us, wouldn’t you?
So! Since you’re here and not at some Sunday 12 Step meeting, isn’t it about time to call?
Smart Women and Alcohol Abuse
Other Links to Success:
Our Expanded Program Description
“How Can You Possibly Cure My Years of Alcohol Abuse in Just 5 Days?”
Ten Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Sent My Brother Off To Rehab;
Things You Don’t Know About Alcohol #2
A lean muscular person will be less affected by drinking than someone with more body fat. Water rich muscle tissue absorbs alcohol effectively, preventing it from reaching the brain.
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