Over 50?
If you are over 50 years old there are new contributing factors to your alcohol use, as well as new reasons why 12 Step programs are even worse for you than for most.
First new contributing factors:
- Divorce;
- “Empty nest”;
- A first heart attack (or other health issues);
- Loss of parents and other generational relatives;
- Menopause;
- Prostate problems;
- Hormonal difficulties;
- And so on…
Then there is the problem of looking for help only to discover that other clients and staff are younger than you are and pretty much clueless about life in general or your particular circumstances.
Any good news?
I’m in my 70s and have survived most of the above issues, except menopause of course, along with a few more. That doesn’t make me an expert, but it does allow me to be empathic while helping you address your alcohol use – an area where I am regarded as an expert.
I would also like to reassure you that most of the conditions which lead us to seek refuge in a bottle are quite amenable to treatment and, again, address the conditions and the symptomatic alcohol excess also goes away.
Do not allow yourself to be bullied into Stepper treatment and railroaded into having a phony disease and be consigned to lifelong cult membership. You don’t need to be further depressed nor have your life diminished by dreary meetings filled with people you wouldn’t be caught dead with under any other circumstances.
The objective in easing your alcohol use is to improve your quality of life, not spend your time in 12 Step hell.
I’m happy to help and have some 35 years of experience helping clients from as close as down the block to as far away as Alaska, India, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia. Yes, they have also been as old as 90.