Once again it’s July 4th, Independence Day! Isn’t it time to declare your independence from alcohol abuse and/or the “programs” that only make it, and you, worse?
(Yes, Dr. Wilson answers the phone 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. on holidays, including today: 888-541-6350.)
This week’s question:
“How can over 2/3’s of your clients be successful when traditional programs only manage 5%?”
It’s a good question and the key answer is that our work with you is based on you, on research, and on what works, while traditional programs are based on AA which itself has a success rate of less than 5% (under 3% for women).
Reality? No program is going to achieve a success rate that exceeds whatever it’s based on.
Our clients are also helped by the fact that we aren’t stuck with cramming you into a “one-size-fits-all” model. We are free to work with you in designing what’s actually going to fit your circumstances.
Additionally, we continue to work with you in the months after you complete the 5 day intensive portion. No, we don’t refer you to AA, or chat rooms, or former clients, or anything else. We remain involved with you for as long as it takes to insure your success.
Other aspects?
We also work with your spouse if that suits the two of you. Again, the research is clear – motivation, spouse support, and effective counseling equals success, while excluding spouses – which AA and every AA based program is based on – equals failure.
There is also the matter of expectations. AA and 12 Step based programs expect you to fail – it’s built right into their business model. We, on the other hand, expect you to succeed!
Finally, we have been accused of achieving high success rates by “cherry picking” our clients. To this we plead guilty. We choose to work with you – a smart, successful, motivated individual who actually wants to put your alcohol abuse behind.
So! Are you ready to actually fix the problem? Good! Give us a call!
No, We Don’t Accept Everyone Who Applies
Most programs claim to carefully match your needs with their staff and program offerings. They’ve been claiming that for over 40 years and it’s still not true.
How do we know?
It’s simple, sadly, no matter who calls, or what their situation, every other program, 12 Step or not, will tell you, “Guess what? We’re the perfect match for you!”
We’re happy to say, right up front, we may not be the right one for you.
How can you know if we’re the right place to get help?
That’s pretty easy.
Are you:
- Smart?
- Successful in other areas of your life?
- Not interested in being a victim? Or being victimized?
- Not simply trying to placate someone else?
- Willing to be actively involved in building a more satisfactory life?
- Do you have a sense of humor?
- Are you capable of setting aside the past to focus on the present and future?
- Are you willing to invest in yourself?
Those are the traits our clients share, and the traits which also lead to success in leaving alcohol abuse behind.
Those are also the qualities we look for in admitting clients. If you have most of those traits, give us a call and we’ll discuss your situation, expectations, and outcomes and how they match with how we approach our work with clients. Chances are you can work with us to achieve success.
If you don’t think you match the traits we listed, call anyway and we’ll refer you to a program that more closely matches what you’re looking for.
Yes, there are alternatives. Let’s match you up with the right ones, not just another “Emperor’s New Clothes” scam to separate you from your money at a vulnerable moment in time.
Next Week’s Question and Answer:
“How does the cost of your program compare to others?”
And to compare what you get in working with us, as opposed to what you get in a traditional program, please click HERE to read this client’s detailed review of our work with her.
Here’s last week’s “How Can You Cure My Years of Alcohol Abuse In Just 5 Days!” article in case you missed it.
For the May article Smart Women and Alcohol Abuse;
Here’s our June Men’s Issues edition.
An expanded description of our Five Day Full Recovery Program;
Mary Ellen’s Ten Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Sent My Brother Off To Rehab;
We’re pleased to be recommended by www.stinkin-thinkin.com
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