Chardonnay – Designed For Women? You Bet!
A recent client reported that she had been to one of those women’s sales party gatherings and that in the course of the afternoon twenty women went through thirty-five bottles of Chardonnay!!!
What’s going on here?
Adding to that question, 90% of our women clients report that chardonnay is their problem drink of choice.
It’s all about the marketing, folks.
A half century ago wine makers looked at the potential women’s market and began designing a wine that would appeal specifically to women. That they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams is reflected in the examples given above.If you think it bears some resemblance to Virginia Slims’ marketing of cigarettes you’re right. Find an exploitable market segment and design products that will appeal while downplaying the risks.
For that matter – skip the risks, market benefits that don’t even exist!
Feeling exploited yet? If you’re a chardonnay sipping woman, you should. (Or a man tossing down more than 2 drinks a day, for that matter – the brewers and distillers aren’t exactly benevolent folks either.)
The cure? Fix it without labels, excuses, or further victimization by the traditional treatment industry that exploits people even more.
We’ll help you fix it, once and for all, with knowledge, power, self-awareness, and justifiable pride.
Congratulations, you’ll have beaten the best that Wall Street, Madison Avenue, and Napa Valley can besiege you with.
I was talking to a recent client who noted that overcoming his years of alcohol abuse “wasn’t rocket science – it was common sense!”
“Yes,” I agreed, “but while it is common sense, really, it’s still difficult.”
“Not the way you do it,” he said.
We hope he’s right, and it’s certainly easier to actually fix the problems and leave the alcohol abuse behind than it is to be “in recovery”.
What’s the difference? First it’s a lot easier to be empowered instead of disempowered.
Then again, it’s also easier to make a different choice than it is to cure a mythological “disease”.
Additionally, would you rather enhance your life with activities, interests, friends, and family or would you rather diminish it with “alcoholic” losers?
And what about your health? Bad coffee, cigarettes, and endless rants or good nutrition, exercise, and healthy friends?
In very short order a cost benefit analysis of drinking vs. not drinking, and/or “in recovery” vs. recovered makes it easy to choose.
Yes, that’s common sense, but in the treatment industry that’s seen a threat to the revolving door of recycled clients.
You, on the other hand, have a choice when it comes to getting a bit of help, just as you do about drinking, and just as you do about getting a life, not “The Program”.
Maybe that client was right – and it’s not all that hard after all. Perhaps as other clients have said, the hardest part was making that first call.
Ready to get the hardest part over with? Good. Here are the numbers: Toll Free: 888-541-6350 Here in Los Angeles or If You’re calling From Alaska: 760-580-5758
Popular Links:
Smart Women and Alcohol Abuse
“How Can You Possibly Cure My Years of Alcohol Abuse in Just 5 Days?”
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