Our March 3rd Edition of the Newsletter included an introduction to Anne Fletcher’s new book “Inside Rehab,” showing that traditional rehab is more of a con game than anything else, and that residential treatment in particular is an expensive failure.
We expected that the negative reaction from the AA/12 Step dominated “industry” would be worse than it has been, at least so far.
Happily, much of the media response to date has been positive, including comments from New York Times Personal Health columnist Jane Brody, who noted the failure “to use proven methods to deal with the factors that underlie addiction and set off relapse” and that traditional programs “are rooted in outdated methods rather than newer approaches shown in scientific studies to be more effective in helping people achieve and maintain addiction-free lives.”
Senior writer Laura Miller for Salon.com notes, “Over and over again, Fletcher’s interview subjects told her that flexible, one-on-one counseling, rather than one-size-fits-all group treatments, was what saved their lives.” Which isn’t news to us, our clients, or readers, but certainly is to the world at large.
Of course programs having a vested interest in the failed 12 Step approach can’t be expected to be happy about having their “Emperor’s New Clothes” tactics exposed. Obviously their 50+ year history of failure needs the spotlight turned on and the Approaches That Actually Do Work deserve to be publicized.
For our part, we repeatedly hear how our work with individuals only – no groups ever! – and the inclusion of spouses (always at the client’s discretion) has resulted in much better outcomes, far less Sabotage, and greatly enhanced lives and relationships.
If you want to end the isolation, boredom, anxiety, depression, and other conditions that alcohol abuse is a SYMPTOM of, then give us a call. We can discuss real solutions, delivered confidentially, affordably, and with the respect you deserve for seeking effective, affordable, and confidential assistance.
Remember, we don’t plaster you with labels, limitations, and demands that you join a life-long – and life destroying – cult that doesn’t even work over 95% of the time.
Luxury Rehab?
High end programs all sell you on the idea that you can overcome your alcohol problems by spending 30, 60, or 90 days – or more – in their luxurious setting and with no effort or discomfort on your part.
What do you think the chances of that are?
Not that we aren’t happy to help you enjoy whatever level of accommodations your circumstances and preferences allow – another advantage to working with us in your own personally designed program.
Want luxury? Terranea Resort is just around the Palos Verdes Peninsula from our offices.
Want clean, comfortable, accommodations? The Redondo Beach Best Western is just ten minutes from us and 2 blocks from the beach.
Something in between? Try the Portofino which is picturesquely located at the local yacht harbor.
Of course there’s also the usual selection of Marriotts and Double Trees, all within the same fifteen minute radius of our offices here in Rolling Hills Estates.
The point of all of this?
You can enjoy whatever level of amenities you want, spend your afternoons walking, biking, golfing, loafing, or sight-seeing, and also receive the best “all substance, no filler” treatment in the country.
Yes, that’s right – and you’ll also be treated like the adult you are, not some errant child, and accorded the respect you deserve for seeking real help with a troubling problem.
“Luxury Rehab?”It’s available here – at one fifth the price and a lot more choices – but also real nuts and bolts help at reasonable prices, and with outcomes the others can’t even imagine.
Your time. Your money. Your results. Your choice.
And it’s also your call – literally and figuratively.
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