Would you like to be the subject of the most interesting research project you’ve ever heard of? The one focused on you?
That’s right – the research into you and why you abuse alcohol and what combination of tools will allow you to replace alcohol abuse with effective alternatives.
Of course to do that you have to know what the real alternatives to AA are, and how to find the right ones for you and your specific situation. That’s what we spend the 5 Day portion of our program discovering.
That also means that we’ve done the research to learn what actually works. The top contributors to ending alcohol abuse turn out to be:
Brief Interventions – that’s the 5 Day part;
Motivational Enhancement – that’s whatever keeps you interested;
Community Reinforcement – that’s support, but not the traps of AA, Alanon, and other “drinking focused” groups;
Self-Change Manual – using our resource guide;
Naltrexone – taking the benign anti-craving medication;
Behavioral Self-Control – self-awareness and self-management;
Behavior Contracting – scheduling, planning and follow-up;
Social Skills Training – changing your peer group;
Marital Therapy – changing the “dance” that you and your spouse have developed;
Assertiveness Training – ending passivity and passive aggression;
Case Management – adjusting and tweaking your day-to-day life until a new alcohol free “normal” is achieved;
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – managing your emotions by managing your thoughts and behaviors;
These are the top 12 most effective ways to end alcohol abuse – a very different “12 steps.”
And about those other “12 Steps,” in terms of effectiveness, they come in at 37th and 38th, according to a review of approaches by the University of New Mexico, and many others, including our own research and our clients’ results over the past 20 years.
Ready to delve into what mosaic of these very effective components are right for you?
As usual, that only requires a call.
Recovered — NOT “In Recovery”
One of the basic differences between AA and AA Alternatives — or Non 12 Step — treatment is that the 12 Step based programs require you to be “in recovery” forever.
We, and other reality based approaches, suggest you can fully recover and simply leave alcohol abuse and alcoholism behind. It’s just another of the things we add to our “been there, done that” list.
That, as you know, is what most people do in exchanging bad habits for better ones.
Ex-smokers are by far the best example. Have you ever heard of anyone describing themselves as a “recovering smoker?” Of course not. We’re all ex-smokers and it’s no longer an issue and rarely a temptation.
So what purpose does it serve to be “in recovery?” Mostly it’s a form of blackmail, a threat to return to drinking if anyone questions what the “recovering” person is actually doing.
“Question me and it’ll be your fault when I get drunk,” is the usual passive-aggressive refrain.
Those of us who actually recover, on the other hand, need no excuses and make none, We assume responsibility for our choices, behaviors, and the consequences.
And we don’t need to lie, threaten, manipulate, and blame.
Again, it’s your choice. Do you want to continue, even escalate, your old destructive drinking behaviors under the guise of being “in recovery,” or do you want to actually recover and get a life?
If you’d prefer a life, not a label,we can help you with that.?
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