Happy New Year!
New Year’s is a few days away but we’ll be back in the office tomorrow refining our own goals for 2009 and working on new ways to help you reach yours.
As you know by now, we’re interested in how goal setting helps us all achieve the changes we want to make in our lives. An important clue comes from motivational speaker Jim Rohn who said,
“I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps it’s because escape is easier than change.”
And, as Zig Zigler said:
“A goal casually set and lightly taken will be freely abandoned at the first obstacle.”
But since we work with you to change in order to escape the problems alcohol abuse has created, you are doubly motivated. You will escape and you will change!
For over twenty years, we’ve been helping clients transform their lives and we look forward to helping you, too.
Scribble, Scribble, Scribble
We do a lot of writing and we encourage you to do the same. Remember, writing is a very good way to increase your focus and get your goals implanted in your unconscious as well as your conscious.
Concentrating on a goal also increases the likelihood of successful behavioral change. The trick is to keep your attention on positive changes – NOT negative ones!
If you reinforce that you are a competent, powerful, capable, and successful person then that is what you will be. Don’t be tricked into becoming a victim with a lifelong disease, stigma, and negative focus.
It Doesn’t Have To Be Tedious!
Behavior change does require some degree of repetition, especially during the first 30 days. Remember, taking charge of you own life takes practice, but it’s vastly preferable to remaining a creature of bad habits.learning to run your own brain, rather than being a creature of bad habits.
Remember, when you make yourself your own research project then keeping track of your efforts is exciting and interesting – not boring!
With us to help you create your own solutions, goals, and activities and to see you through the first critical days and weeks, you won’t need to feel punished, deprived, or isolated.
Indeed, within a few days you can feel better than you have in years, reduce your anxiety, and feel in control of your life once again.
Tools We Use
Working towards our goals, and yours, is easier if you also have some short term planning tools. The following Weekly Planner is one we use when we find our focus drifting. Sometimes we use more then one, assigning them to the different individual goals, both personally and professionally.
If you haven’t already, you can still download our Goal Setting tool for yourself or someone else. It’s free and many of you have thanked us for creating it and sharing it.
The EOC Institute relaxation CDs we like so much, continue to be a good alternative to alcohol for a quick, handy, and effective way to relieve anxiety and relax. You can find a link on our web site at:
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