Our 100th Issue!!!!
Two years ago we sent out our first newsletter wondering how we’d ever find enough material to go beyond five or six issues.
Now we don’t worry – ongoing research, questions from clients, callers, and readers, and articles from the various other newsletters, blogs, newspapers, and magazines keep us well supplied with ideas, topics and controversy.
Still, the biggest problems facing you and ending your alcohol problems remain.
What are they?
Simply put – it’s the mythology that 75 years of AA and 50 years of AA/12 Step based treatment have perpetrated on the American public. Specifically the myths that AA itself, and treatment based on it, “works”. Even worse yet is the notion that it’s “the only way”.
These are myths that research has repeatedly debunked but that a multi-billion dollar industry depends on you being conned into believing. An industry that makes the proverbial used car salesmen look like paragons of openness, honesty and reliability.
But our work of educating our readers to the realities of what actually does work got another big boost from the State University of New York – Potsdam’s respected “Alcohol: Problems and Solutions” website which has once again provided us with the research you need on treatment effectiveness.
You won’t be surprised that reading through the attributes that generate success at Jude Thaddeus reads like a catalogue of our practices and beliefs. Nor is it hard to see why our 5 Day Recovery Retreat has the highest success rate of any out-patient program – indeed, our clients’ success rate exceeds that of the Jude Thaddeus Residential Program. So, here are:
The Characteristics of the Most Successful Residential Treatment Program in the World
“Independently-conducted research has established an overall success rate of 63.5% for the Jude Thaddeus Program. This compares to a success rate in the range of 0-20% for conventional (AA/12 Step based) programs. Alcoholics Anonymous(AA) reports a success rate lower than 5%…
The program is radically different from traditional approaches and has been described in this way:
The Jude Thaddeus Program is a social/educational model for eliminating substance abuse. It teaches people how to take responsibility for their choices regarding drinking and/or drugging, and then, how to live a quality of life that is successful and filled with the rewards of their success.
The educational experience is an entirely different approach from the more common counseling and therapeutic approach. These conventional methods, 12- step and therapy-based models, strip individuals of their native and internal human solution: choice, accountability and power. The educational approach awakens or reawakens, those same concepts: choice, accountability and power; in a clear and concise manner thereby empowering the student to accept personal responsibility for all past, present and future behavior, to exercise choice from internal strength, not perceived weakness, and to delight in the rediscovery of their own power from within.
The approach is straightforward. Students learn how to make better choices, and find success and satisfaction using a method they can see works for others.
Students are responsible for changing their own lives as they are the only ones with the power to do just that. And they remain responsible for their own decisions.
The educational program teaches students how to assess the seriousness of their situation and to determine how committed they are to achieving success in their lives and remaining permanently abstinent.
Students are then taught how to become more useful and happy individuals. this portion of the program is completely separate from the sobriety issue. Sobriety is a choice based static event. However, building a life of one’s own choosing is a series of choices and events that will bring about changes and continue to evolve throughout the remainder of one’s life. These are separate issues and are dealt with separately. Students learn how to achieve success in both the sobriety event and in the continuing process called living.”
If you’ve been reading our website and Newsletters this all probably sounded very very familiar.
As will the reasoning we used when we named our practice:
Your Empowering Solutions! Y.E.S. to Life!
If you want the same kind of success for yourself – no labels, “diseases”, exposure, degradation, groups, or being “in recovery” – then give us a call. That’s the only “Step” you’ll ever need to take.
How do we differ from Jude Thaddeus?
Obviously there are differences between their program and ours – differences that are important to you.
First: Length of stay – 5 days here vs. 6 weeks there;
Second: Intensive out-patient vs. residential;
Third: Client’s average age range: 40 – 65 here vs. 22 – 40 there;
Fourth: Cost – $8,750 here vs. $13,000 – $20,000 there;
Fifth: Confidentiality here vs. possible public exposure there;
Sixth: All individual time here vs. 95% group time there;
Seventh: Couples Program vs none;
Eighth: A higher and client defined “success” rate.
Ninth: With us, it’s personal as well as professional.
Those are differences that work in your favor and are only available here – not at Jude Thaddeus and not anywhere else.
But that doesn’t mean we don’t applaud their work or refer callers – usually younger individuals – who are appropriate to their program to them. We do.
If you are comparison shopping we invite you to visit their website – Jude Thaddeus – call them as well as us, and see which of us most closely matches you needs, expectations, and limitations.
We’re confident that whichever choice you make will be the right one for you.
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Popular Links:
An expanded description of our Five Day Full Recovery Program;
Mary Ellen’s Ten Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Sent My Brother Off To Rehab;
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