
One of the things so-called treatment programs don’t want to mention is self-image and how it plays a part in overcoming alcohol abuse. Their reason for the omission is pretty obvious – the image they’re selling is “powerless alcoholic.”

Exactly how is incorporating powerless alcoholic into your self-image supposed to help you quit abusing alcohol? It’s not. It’s supposed to keep you “relapsing” so they can sell you another round of expensive “rehab” at Revolving Door Treatment Spa, Inc.

Please remember that traditional treatment is about recycling clients. It’s not about ending alcohol abuse or dependence.

Frankly, about the worst thing you can do if you actually want to leave your drinking behind is to say things like, “Hi. My name is Ed, and I’m an alcoholic.” And the more times you say it the worse it is for you.

Why would you want to incorporate a self-defeating label as part of your self-image? Let’s face it, you wouldn’t, unless you wanted an excuse to keep on drinking. That’s the only reason to use that label.

More assaults on your intelligence and your self-image? Try being “in recovery.” What’s that supposed to be except a cover story for excusing relapses; or a threat against others who suggest you might just leave it behind you (“You messing with my recovery?”); or an infatuation with all the cult trappings, trinkets, tokens, and bumper sticker mentality?

If you really want to put a stop to your drinking problems then you start by crafting a new self-image that doesn’t include drinking. You do that by applying positive labels and then creating a life that reflects those and turns them into reality.

In other words, you pull yourself up!

You don’t drag yourself down.

And you surround yourself with people and activities that do the same – skipping The Bucket of Crabs known as AA, Alanon, Alateen and so on.

We understand that. We’ve been there. We’ve done that. And so do our clients.

We don’t know the exact way that will work for you – but we do know how to find out. Wouldn’t you like to know too?

Finding out starts with just a phone call.

Medical Issues

Over the past year or so we’ve had two clients appear with symptoms that appeared to indicate extreme alcohol abuse. Mood swings, memory loss, agitation, and so on. But in these two cases, alcohol abuse wasn’t causing the symptoms, it was an attempt to mitigate the symptoms – though neither we, our clients, nor our clients’ spouses, recognized it immediately.

The culprit?

Overdosing on thyroid medications!

In one case it was physician error, in the other it was pharmacy error, but in either case the results were disastrous for our clients (and their spouses).

The lesson?

You need to be vigilant in researching any medications you are using – and, if you’re looking for help for alcohol abuse, make sure the providers are taking a look at all medications and possible interactions.

Need we say it again? Alcohol abuse is not a disease! It’s a symptom and it takes more than chanting slogans to figure out, and alleviate, what it’s a symptom of.

Tools From Our Shelf

For a more detailed discussion of common treatment program myths – and why you want to avoid wasting your time, money, and privacy on them – see Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism, and 12 Step Programs That Can’t Tell the Difference.

Don’t forget, you’re always welcome to download all of our freebies – the Cost Benefit Analysis tool; Long Term Goal Planner; and Weekly Planner at:

Resources For You!

As always, for information or just to talk, one of us answers the phone personally from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time, Monday – Thursday, unless we are with clients, or from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
If we don’t answer, leave your name and number and one of us will usually be able to get back to you within an hour.

Toll Free From the Lower 48 or Canada: 888-541-6350

In Los Angeles, or from Alaska: 760-580-5758