How to be happier!

Over the years we have said that what we do best is give our clients permission to lead happier lives. That might not sound like much, but consider this fact: happy people don’t have alcohol problems.

It turns out that leading a happy life is a very big deal after all.

It’s also elusive.

Most of us have fallen into the trap of believing that we’ll be happy when we meet the right person, get the right job, earn the right amount of money, drive the right car, and so on. Then we seem to reach these goals and discover we still aren’t happy.

Worse, we blame our unhappiness on not having found the “right” this, that, or someone.
As usual, research can be helpful – the kind that studies happy people and looks at what the components of their happier lives actually are. Turns out that, like most things, a mosaic of factors holds the answer.

First, the community where we live affects us. Communities with economic opportunity, low unemployment, social tolerance, and competent government (good luck on that one) foster security and a happy life. Choose where you live with care!

Second, our work takes up about half of our waking hours and we should be looking for short commutes, engaging work, and at least one good friend at work,

Third, social interactions help and, NO, Facebook does not count. Real relationships count. Sharing interests with others as little as once a month can be as life enhancing as doubling your income.

Fourth, spend you money on real necessities, food, clothing and shelter, then focus on funding financial security and experiences.

Fifth, be careful with your home life – adopting a dog can measurably lower stress hormones and limiting TV to under a half hour a day also helps!

Finally, if you can sum up your life purpose in a single sentence you’re 20% happier than those who can’t. Knowing and sharing your interests, passions, and talents will raise your sense of well-being.

If you want to get a picture of your current “happiness quotient” please follow the link to the Blue Zone Test.

Now call us to start figuring out how to raise your happiness quotient by eliminating alcohol abuse!

 Staying Motivated

When we set out to change any established behavior we usually find that our enthusiasm wanes after a couple of weeks. Whether it’s stopping drinking, losing weight, or going to the gym, or even for a walk, the new behaviors begin to lose their appeal.

Part of this is natural. We tend to lose our awareness of past problems, pains, and miseries fairly quickly. As memories and fears fade our wish to return to short term gratifications return and we start kidding ourselves into thinking that the “bad old days” weren’t all that bad after all.

Until we’ve conned ourselves right back into another mess.

This cycle can be repeated endlessly and some of you will stay stuck in it for the rest of your lives (yes, you will, all the while pretending that you’re going to get around to fixing the problem for real, “one of these days” when the “time is right”).

Others of you will figure out that motivation requires paying attention and is personal.

We can all be motivated for a few weeks after the judge, or the doctor, or our spouse, issues a stern warning. External motivations can kick us into some sort of action.

But then habit, or resentment, or rebellion, or just plain tiredness find us right back doing the same old, same old.

External motivation doesn’t last. Nor does hanging out with losers.

But internal, personal motivation does. When you have your own personal, private, and important reasons for continuing to make successful changes you will succeed.

That’s an important part of our work with you. Discovering what actually motivates you and helping you learn how to use this to your advantage.

Few of us stop drinking because of finances, health, or spousal considerations. At least not for the long run.

Do you want to find out why people actually stop? And why you might actually stop?

Finding out starts with just a phone call.

Hyperthyroidism and Alcohol Abuse…

Last month it happened with another client as it seems to 2 or 3 times a year – hyperthyroidism, or mis-prescribed (over-prescribed) thyroid meds, can be a significant factor in a client’s alcohol abuse.

Yes, it’s another consideration in the mosaic of your life that we look at but no one else does.

Success means considering all of the factors that may contribute to your alcohol abuse – and finding ways to address them.

Links to Success:

AA Doesn’t Work, So What Does?

“How Can You Possibly Cure My Years of Alcohol Abuse in Just 5 Days?”

And for details on our 5 Day Recovery Retreat, click on: Our Expanded Program Description