If you want better answers, start with better questions.

One of the most important services we provide our clients is to help them ask better, more powerful, more solution-focused questions.

Most of us waste time on questions that only keep us stuck – ones like “Why me?” and “Why can’t this problem just go away?”  Obviously neither of these questions is going to get you anywhere and, frankly, they don’t do anything but delay you from actually improving your condition.

Good questions, on the other hand, move you ahead to a solution:

  • Does AA “work?”
  • Is alcohol abuse really a disease?
  • Do I need to be “in recovery” forever?
  • What actually works for ending alcohol abuse?
  • Where can I get the short term help I want to address my drinking effectively, efficiently, and confidentially?
  • Where can I find information to help me make an informed choice?

As readers, you already know that the answers to the first three questions are no, no, and no.

You may also have read our article, Ending Alcohol Abuse: What Works, so you know the answer to #4.

We, of course, suggest that we’re the right resource for the help we suggest you want in question #5.

As to additional information, we suggest you read Gabrielle Glaser’s “Her Best-Kept Secret,” and/or  “The Sober Truth” by Lance Dodes.

Or give us a call – one of us usually manages to answer the phone between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific time almost every day, including weekends and holidays, unless we’re with clients.

If we don’t answer, please leave a message. We do return calls and e-mails promptly and, unlike other “programs,” you will talk to one of us personally, not a marketing person, client, flunky, or “Rob” or “Tiffany” somewhere in Asia.

Which brings us to Question #7. Who am I talking to when I call a program?

With us you will be talking to one or both of us, the people who will be working with you. We think that’s very important, as do our clients, and we think you should too.

Finally, no, you can’t speak to Scruffy, but he will be here to meet and greet.

You succeed by being exactly and uniquely yourself.

This is a suggestion that you can leave your alcohol abuse behind by being more eccentric, more individualistic, more creative, more assertive, and an unrepentant adventurer.

That’s right – you will leave the problems behind by becoming more of yourself, not by joining a cult that demands that you become even less yourself! Don’t drink the 12 Step Kool-Aid.

Yes, there are times when we’d all like to fit in, and we “go along to get along,” but ending alcohol abuse isn’t one of those times. In point of fact, our misuse of alcohol is how we’ve been “fitting in.”

Now it’s time to get back to being, and becoming, our own best selves and that means finding our own unique way back out of the drunken quagmire.

That may not sound like all that attractive a proposition – but it can also be seen as an invitation to a really engaging excursion into actually getting to know ourselves better than we ever have.

That’s what we help you do – discover, plan, implement, and overcome. We will help you find out how to “do it your way.”