Distance Delivery Update!
It’s been 6 months since we began offering our services via Distance Delivery. Initially, we used Skype, then Doxy, and finally settled on Zoom with its superior audio and visual without any compromise in security.
That settled, we moved on to testing out client satisfaction and found that everyone has been pleased not only with the initial sessions but also the improved, “face-to-face” follow-up sessions. We’re pleased to find, as we suspected, that Distance Delivery allows us to provide the same high quality and confidential services as before, but at a reduced cost that allows many of you access that you couldn’t manage before.
Let’s consider a real-time example. Previously, clients from New Zealand would pay the program price of $12,500 plus round trip transportation, hotels, rental cars, etc. for an overall cost that could approach $20,000. Now, because we also have reduced our overhead, a new client from New Zealand would only pay the $9,500 program fee.
Obviously, this makes us much more accessible to potential clients in remote areas as well as those who do live a considerable, and expensive, distance away. Over the years we have had clients travel from the afore-mentioned New Zealand, but also India, South Africa, Australia, Hong Kong and the Philippines, the British Isles, and, of course, Canada. But these clients have been few and far between. Now they can have the same personal and confidential services, at the same price, as the client who lives down the street.
Another big advantage is the issue of privacy.
If you live in a small town, rural area, or have a high profile position, you will be understandably reluctant to expose yourself to the public stigma that attends acknowledging your self-medication with alcohol habit. Especially when the concern is in its early stages and most easily addressed.
Unhappily, but understandably, most of us wait until the problem has grown from mild to moderate to severe before seeking help. Then, at the advanced stage, we are in a vulnerable state and less able to make an informed decision as to what sort of help would best serve us. Thus we become subject to the ineffectual and exploitive “rehab” industry.
But now, regardless of where you live, and assuming access to a computer, you have free consultations available to help you determine the appropriate services, followed by affordable, confidential, and effective research-based solutions.
As always, call or email to set up a free demonstration of our online service provision.
Why Are We So Reluctant to “Know”?
As we have often noted, it’s hard to make informed decisions unless we know where we stand legally, financially, and medically. Yet – and, yes, I’m generalizing – women tend to resist knowing the legal and financial realities, men the medical.
This resistance to knowing, of course, tends to generalize across many areas of our lives. We all know elderly – or not so elderly – people who refuse to make a will. Questioned, they respond with some variation on, “If I make a will, I’ll die!” Right.
Other times people don’t want to know because “knowing” would necessitate making a decision, or at least negate being afraid on making one. Long ago a client refused to get legal advice regarding her abusive husband’s claim that if she filed for divorce she would be deported and penniless. Both of his threats were baseless, but she didn’t want to confirm that lest she have to do something about the very real threats he represented to herself and her daughter (he was also a registered sex offender which she didn’t know when she married him).
Additionally, people don’t want to accumulate information that suggests they could change things they are ambivalent about changing.
That’s where our offer of a free consultation rears its ugly head. We’ve removed the geographic impediments to effective and affordable help. We offer an opportunity to try out our model, and meet us, for free. Yet only a tiny number of people seeking help – and if you weren’t why would you be reading this – take advantage of this opportunity to gather information that would help make an informed decision.
Ignorance may seem blissful, but just because you haven’t opened that letter from the IRS doesn’t mean you’re not in trouble. And not knowing what your options are doesn’t mean you don’t have any.
Choosing not to make a choice is also a choice – and passivity about important things rarely plays out satisfactorily.
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