Why don’t we do groups like everyone else in the treatment industry?
While groups are a great way to fill time and make money, they’re counterproductive to actually fixing your alcohol abuse problems.
Let’s face it – your problems are unique to you and so is your solution.
Yes, there are usually some common conditions to be addressed: loneliness, boredom, anxiety, depression, and life changing situations and conditions. But the right recipe for solving your particular puzzle is still unique to you.
Yes, we could probably make more money if we “did group” or if we didn’t work as a team with you. But then successful outcomes would undoubtedly suffer – and we want you (and us) to all be successful.
Remember – groups fill time and are extremely profitable for the treatment center. Especially when all they usually are are AA meetings palmed off as “group therapy”.
Do you really want to spend $30,000 – $200,000 to be locked away to attend AA two or three times a day?
We didn’t think so. Especially when we offer real help that actually works designed specifically for you and all for under $10,000 for the 5 days here with us, Dr. Norcross medical eval, and 12 weeks of personal follow-up (again, with us, not some relapsed former client).
If you want to pretend to be doing something about your problem by all means call any of them and sign up. You can continue to drink and claim “it didn’t work”.
Or you can call us and actually leave your alcohol diminished life behind.
Why do our clients come from across the U.S. and Canada, from Alaska to New England, and Florida, from the Yukon and British Columbia to Nova Scotia and, yes, even Australia to work with us?
There are thousands of “treatment programs” scattered across the U.S., Canada, and Australia, so why would you, like our successful clients, come here?
The short answer – what we do, individual, confidential, private, research based, effecient, and respectful of you is what actually works.
That’s right – we work with you, an individual or couple, and we focus on you and what will work for you. 5 days of sorting out your situation and how to alter it effectively.
3 months of continuous support, motivation, and tweeking so you get it right.
Which leads to a life where alcohol abuse becomes a “been there, done that” piece of your old history.
Ready to be an ex-drinker not an “alcoholic”? Ready to trecover, not be “in recovery”? The you’ve found the right place.
Odds and Ends
Read about what D from Pennsylvania has to say about her work with us.
What B from California says about his.
Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism, and 12 Step Programs That Can’t Tell the Difference, don’t care, and will gladly burden you with inappropriate and damaging labels that will haunt you for the rest of your life.
Women and Alcohol – What To Consider In Treatment and why women need and deserve services built around women’s needs, not just another recycled (and failed) men’s program – which is all anyone else has to offer.
Confidentiality, why you want to avoid residential treatment and groups of all kinds.
The Bucket of Crabs or Why AA and Al-Anon are Bad For Your Health.
Links to Success:
“How Can You Possibly Cure My Years of Alcohol Abuse in Just 5 Days?”
The Real “Steps” to Overcoming Alcohol Abuse
Ten Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Sent My Brother Off To Rehab;
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