Exactly What Is It That We Do?
We do spend a fair amount of time on the website and on the phone explaining what we do, how it’s different, and why it works far better than what anyone else is offering.
What we did, 8 years ago, was take the best of all of the available options and combined them into single, research based, individual treatment package that actually works.
So! Here’s what we do, and how it differs:
We both spend 3+ hours a day with you for 5 days. That’s about 30 hours of focused professional experienced time directed at your specific situation.
No 30, 60, or 90 day program offers even half of that and none of them use well trained and experienced staff.
We do 12 weeks of regularly scheduled follow-up — and are on call as needed — to help make sure that you succeed in adapting to your new alcohol free day-to-day life.
No one else offers any real follow-up, just the adage “don’t drink, go to AA.” We equip you with the tools that actually work: CBT, Assertiveness Training, Motivational Enhancement, Naltrexone support, Exercise, Nutrition, and Diet Management, along with a number of other contributive and supportive measures.
They have you paying for attending AA meetings.
We see you as a smart, competent person who’s meandered into an alcohol swamp and needs help extracting yourself and leaving the alcohol abuse behind.
They label you a diseased and powerless “alcoholic” who will have to be “in recovery” forever.
We work with you privately, confidentially, and effectively to return to a normal life.
They lump you into a group, rat you out (just try and disappear for 30, 60, or 90 days without alerting everyone in the world), label you, isolate you, and tell you you’re too weak and flawed to ever lead a normal life.
We’re private pay.
They’ll happily take your insurance thereby creating a public record that will haunt you for the rest of your life with a label that isn’t even accurate the vast majority of the time.
We think you get the picture but there’s more detail available if you click on:
“How Can You Possibly Cure My Years of Alcohol Abuse in Just 5 Days?”
Our Expanded Program Description
Then give us a call and let’s explore your own unique situation, needs, and solutions!
And Why Haven’t You Signed Up?
We all like to procrastinate – especially when it comes to making changes we’re ambivalent about. And we’re all very mixed when it comes to fixing our drinking problems.
Yes, it’s the one thing we all have in common.
Who does sign up? People whose drinking has precipitated some sort of crisis that has propelled them to find us and they call saying, “How soon and how much?”
The answer is ” a week to 10 days” and “$8,750.”
Others visit the website for 6 months to a year, read the newsletter, call a few times, then make a decision and call and schedule.
Other roam the website, read the newsletters, call, e-mail, express their interest, but can never quite manage to work a week into their busy schedule.
If you’re in that latter category, I will offer the cartoon punch line I saw a couple of years ago wherein a doctor was asking an obese patient, “Which will you find easier to work into your very busy schedule: an hour a day of exercise or 24 hours of dead?”
But you know that you are always going to fill the next month before you schedule with us and that the magic opening is never going to appear.
Solution? Knowing yourself, you decide to solve the problem by scheduling two or three, even six months ahead. Then, your priorities straightened out, you flex your schedule around that commitment to yourself.
Regardless of your needs and patterns, finding a solution remains a mere phone call away:
Toll Free From Across the U.S. or Canada: 888-541-6350
Internationally or in the Los Angeles Area: 760-580-5758
Many of you are former clients that we haven’t heard from in months or years. We really do like hearing from you, how you’re doing, how we were helpful (or not), and what we might do to improve things for future clients.
We would never intrude on your privacy, but we would appreciate an e-mail, and if you have anything for the Newsletter that might help others, we’d be happy to print that confidentially.
Regardless, we’d love to hear from you!
Helpful Links:
Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism, and 12 Step Programs That Can’t Tell the Difference
Ending Alcohol Abuse: What Works
Ten Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Sent My Brother Off To Rehab
The Bucket of Crabs, or Why AA and Alanon are Bad For Your Health,
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