Of course you are – everyone we see or talk to is. After all, you have a problem, but you also have a “solution”.
That’s right – for a long time alcohol has been a solution to whatever problems, and they’re usually real problems, you’ve been medicating.
Who wouldn’t be frightened by the prospect of giving up your solution, your “friend”, with no idea how you’re going to get along without the relief and comfort and insulation that alcohol has been providing?
And what if trying to quit doesn’t “work”? Scary to think about investing time, effort, emotion and money only to fail?
That all adds up to any number of good reasons to pour another glass and postpone calling for yet another week.
Unhappily, however, your go-to-friend, be it chardonay, rum and coke, vodka, or whatever, isn’t working anymore. How do we, and you, know? If it was, you wouldn’t be visiting our website or reading our newsletter.
Really.People who find alcohol a satisfactory “solution”, literally and figuratively, aren’t spending any time wondering how to stop drinking.
Yes, you’re scared of the prospect of a life uncushioned by alcohol. Or a social life that doesn’t involve drinking. Or how would you celebrate? Or console? Or have sex, even?
All of these future questions seem to be difficult to answer. But in reality, it’s not hard to find that life is a lot better without the alcohol abuse.
That’s the key to our clients’ overwhelming success – unlike traditional treatment that leaves you with an even worse life – more depressed, demeaned, and isolated than ever – we help you create a life that’s so much better and happier that the temptation to return to self-medicating ebbs away.
As Linda from Chicago said years ago, “I got it! I got a grip, got a life, and got on with it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Isn’t it time for you to get a life too?
Being “in recovery” doesn’t mean someone is better equipped to help you stop abusing alcohol – quite the contrary.
A pervasive myth is that someone who’s “in recovery” can help you get over your “alcoholism” more effectively than someone who isn’t. This is an idea common to all cults and is just as destructive here as anywhere.
Think about it objectively for just a moment: should you come down with cancer would you only go to a doctor who had the same kind of cancer you have?
Would you hire an electrician whose only training was that he’d burned down his own house with his faulty wiring job?
You’re having a baby and the attending person’s training consisted of getting pregnant at age 13?
We didn’t think so – but choosing someone to help you on the basis that they’re “in recovery” doesn’t make any more sense – especially since “in recovery” is simply code for “I don’t want to give up alcohol as the central focus of my life”.
Yes, it may help a bit if the staff you’re working with have recovered and/or is someone who’s been a concerned family member. We have that covered.
We also have years of training and we’ve done the research on what actually helps people leave alcohol abuse behind. That means hundreds of our clients have been helped to find their own real solutions – not crammed into the usual and failed one-size-fits-all model.
It still comes down to what you want. If you want to recover, rejoin the ranks of the normal, and have a life, then give us a call.
Otherwise? There are plenty of free meetings that’ll help you stay drunk. You don’t need to pay for help to do that.
So if you really want to get a grip, get a life, and get well, it’s time to call – Toll Free 888-541-6350 Across the U.S. & Canada or 760-580-5758 Here In the Los Angeles Area.
Links to Success:
“How Can You Possibly Cure My Years of Alcohol Abuse in Just 5 Days?”
The Real “Steps” to Overcoming Alcohol Abuse
Ten Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Sent My Brother Off To Rehab;
Odds and Ends
Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism, and 12 Step Programs That Can’t Tell the Difference, don’t care, and will gladly burden you with inappropriate and damaging labels that will haunt you for the rest of your life.
Women and Alcohol – What To Consider In Treatment and why women need and deserve services built around women’s needs, not just another recycled (and failed) men’s program – which is all anyone else has to offer.
Confidentiality, why you want to avoid residential treatment and groups of all kinds.
The Bucket of Crabs or Why AA and Al-Anon are Bad For Your Health.
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