In 1829 the Reverend Sylvester Graham invented the Graham Cracker as a cure for, among other things, alcoholism. What’s actually surprising is that it worked!
That’s right – it “worked”. The biggest myth in our society these days is that there’s only one thing that “works” and that’s AA and the 12 Steps. It’s a good thing it’s a myth since that model works only slightly better than Rev. Graham’s Cracker Model.
Really! Please remember, there are many many things that “work”.
Geographic cures work.
Moderation works.
Harm reduction works.
Naltrexone works.
Exercise works.
Motivational enhancement works.
CBT works.
Nutrition works.
Assertiveness training works.
Religious conversion works.
Graham Crackers work.
As do any number of other things – and they almost all work better than AA.
But the real question is, what’s going to work for you?
That’s right – what’s the unique blend of the foregoing options, and others we haven’t listed, combined with your interests, abilities, and strengths, that’s going to allow you to leave your alcohol abuse behind?
Put another way – how are you going to build a happier life without alcohol than the one you’re currently living with alcohol?
If you want to figure that out, then give us a call and let’s get started on building you that better life – one without labels, “steps”, “diseases”, cults, or other long debunked myths.
Alcoholism Gene Update
The Wall Street Journal in a February 5 article, reported on the current state of the search for the “alcoholism gene”. While no such single gene exists, there do seem to be a number of genes which, acting in concert, may contribute to the development of alcohol abuse.
While the scientific basis for this has been slow in evolving, the idea is hardly new and has a lot of appeal in terms of avoiding responsibility for our drinking.
But, as usual, evading responsibility is a forlorn hope.
Even with all of the genetic and environmental factors thrown in, you aren’t going to have a problem if you don’t drink. And if you quit drinking, most of the problems will go away.
Does the research help at all?
It may in terms of which medications may help with cravings in different individuals. Some of us will respond better to Naltrexone, others to Zofran, still others to Topomax, and probably other as-yet unidentified medications.
Still, the obvious remains obvious, no matter how hard we try to obscure or complicate matters.
1) We drink because it “works”, albeit only in the short term;
2) We continue because we prefer “short-term and easy” to “long-term and more difficult”, even when the long term results are better.
3) Even when we do decide we’re “sick and tired of being sick and tired”, there’s almost no real help available.
4) And when we find effective help we are terrified of the unknown changes that ending our alcohol abuse will cause.
That last point is where some degree of faith is called for – and one of the ways in which we can help. Truly, you life can be far more satisfactory, fun, relaxed, and productive without the alcohol.
Every single client we have ever seen has worried about this to some degree – that’s normal and natural. But the results – 70% of our clients never go back to abusing alcohol – speak for themselves.
Life is better!
Isn’t it your turn to learn how this can be true for you too?
Links to Success:
“How Can You Possibly Cure My Years of Alcohol Abuse in Just 5 Days?”
The Real “Steps” to Overcoming Alcohol Abuse
Ten Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Sent My Brother Off To Rehab;
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