“What is your success rate?”
Understandably, this is a very important question and one that deserves a careful answer. But it’s also a tricky one from a number of directions and these too, need consideration.
First, the important question isn’t “our” success rate but our clients’ success rate. That may seem like quibbling, but with many programs, their definition of “success” is: “the client’s payment cleared,” so you can begin to see the problem.
So let’s first look at some of the definitions of success other programs employ:
- “Client was successful because we said so;”
- “Client is successful because we haven’t heard otherwise;
- “Client was not noticeably intoxicated while in residence”
We are sure you are beginning to see the problem and why these programs’ actual “success” rates are below 5% – exactly the same as AA and the 12 Steps they are based on.
We prefer to edit the question to “What is our client success rate?” and also to acknowledge right up front that we don’t know exactly because not everybody we have worked with over the years, keeps in touch with us.
With those disclaimers in place we think it is safe to say that over 60% of our clients achieve the results they came seeking. Generally, this is abstinence, but a number of our clients are seeking to moderate their consumption and about a third of these succeed (another third transfer to abstinence as easier to manage, and another third, well they’re still trying to decide what to do).
A very real difference in working with us is that we never, ever tell you that you have to do anything. You tell us what you want to achieve and we’ll tell you what the research and our experience says and what we think your best options and strategies are.
Then we’ll set about developing the very best and most effective personal plan for reorganizing your life so that alcohol abuse is no longer part of it.
Finally, there is one really good indicator of future success – clients who are willing to actively work at making changes in their day-to-day lives succeed.
Those who are waiting for everything or everyone else to change – or who are waiting for the magic wand, bullet, or fairy dust – don’t.
Ready to be an active participant in your own life instead of the spectator alcohol and other programs reduce you to?
Good. Time to make that call…
Yes, we do actually answer the phone ourselves…..
Today another caller expressed disbelief that we actually answer the phone ourselves. Call and you will talk to one of us, Mary Ellen or Ed, and not to a sales rep, lifer, marketer, client, answering service, or ?????
Again, success is enhanced by the personal and professional relationship we build with you – and again, it’s something no one else even attempts. And creating that “therapeutic relationship” begins with that first phone conversation.
The result? You’ll be talking with one of us, both of us if you want (and we recommend), and you won’t be talking to a sales rep working on commission, a former client trying to stay sober by working the phones, or some faceless voice who’s clueless about actual treatment and totally disinterested in any case.
Yes, it works both ways. It also means that we get a chance to know you a bit, assess your situation, and either encourage your participation or make an appropriate referral – something else no one else ever does.
So! How about making that first call? No pressure to sign up from us, just information, consultation, and, perhaps, a modest reduction in your anxiety and some options to consider.
Smart Women and Alcohol Abuse
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“How Can You Possibly Cure My Years of Alcohol Abuse in Just 5 Days?”
The Real “Steps” to Overcoming Alcohol Abuse
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