Virtually all current treatment for men’s alcohol abuse and alcoholism is based on the generally ineffectual AA/12 Step model. Even when alternatives are offered they still tend to be based on a “disease” model which isn’t applicable for over 85% of the men looking for some sort of help with their alcohol abuse.
The first problem is that most “programs” were created by AA adherents who are very threatened by the very idea that their way isn’t the only way – even though their way has less than a 5% success rate. Frankly, doing nothing – the spontaneous remission rate – has a better record than that.
The second problem is that generally competent, successful, and smart men aren’t going to sign up for being “powerless” or “diseased”.
Alternatives? Look at actual research into change and apply that research to eliminating a behavior, which is, after all, what alcohol abuse is. A behavior, a coping mechanism, that’s gotten out of hand. Our programs are based on that research.
How can you eliminate alcohol abuse? Managing behavior change means looking at the need alcohol abuse is filling in your life. Again, we don’t abuse alcohol because we’re stupid. We do it because it works. Changing means finding what works better in the long run, because, realistically, nothing works better in the short run.
When? Sooner is better than later. As with any condition – medical, financial, marital – the sooner you address and correct it, the less disruptive the process, the more options, and the better the outcomes. Another extremely unfortunate side effect of current treatment practices is that a person would have to be an idiot to sign up until they’d reached a near terminal state. Who else would volunteer for being a diseased and powerless loser sentenced to a life time of being “in recovery”?
Why look at us? You want help that isn’t wedded to traditional approaches, or groups, or long term involvement. You want to avoid residential programs which consist mostly of expensive “filler” while destroying confidentiality. Our small practice specializes in individual, private, affordable, treatment and includes spouses or family where it’s appropriate.
Expense? We’re very cost effective. No, we don’t take insurance even when it’s possible – insurance records aren’t confidential and will come back to haunt you. They already show up on employment reviews and applications for other insurance. The records are starting to appear in financial transactions like mortgage applications and credit reports probably won’t be far behind.
Outcomes? With good motivation on your part (the most important component), our experienced help, possibly some short term medical support (Naltrexone, usually), supportive follow-up for three to six months, you can expect to leave the problem behind, permanently, over the course of three months to a year.
For a change, there is also a benefit to you as a man – it’s a bit easier for you than for most women. Why? Because you’re used to actively addressing problems rather than passively waiting for, or talking about things getting better. Alcohol abuse is definitely a problem where an active approach is needed, and rewarded.
Let us help you early. Invest in yourself, pay attention, learn, change, and be glad you did. Then you’ll have moved alcohol abuse into the “been there, done that” category – a category you need never revisit, or focus on, again.
While the 12-step programs are the most well-known, there is a definite need for non 12-step programs for those seeking an alternative. You make a good case here to consider an alternative program when you’re researching and trying to choose the right rehab.
I need help for myself to cope with an adult alcoholic child